We cordially invite you to apply for the Polish-Ukrainian Summer Camp for Young Scientists which takes place in Warsaw, Poland on September 10-19, 2022. The event is organised by the Polish National Association of Doctoral Candidates with the partnership of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and the Warsaw School of Economics in cooperation with the Council of Young Scientists under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The aim of the Project is to connect Polish and Ukrainian young scientists to strengthen cooperation, show the Polish academic infrastructure, make connection with prospective assistant supervisors and contribute to create new mutual research projects. The Summer Camp program includes science workshops, team building events as well as a session to present your own research.

Участь, проживання та харчування безкоштовні
10-19 вересня 2022 р.
Робоча мова – англійська
Детальніше laryssa.makaruk@gmail.com
Реєстрація за посиланням https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Cbb4JxK9ahCjxwfUhlhHWyuinBD7Nx9sZkGq1I3B6Yg/viewform?edit_requested=true
Дедлайн – 14.08.2022 р.

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